Hello world!!!! Wow this is my very first post. I recently just became interested in blogs after stumbling upon some very informative ones created by some wonderful ladies. After seeing theirs, it left me with some ideas, "Hmmm....I like this, I think I could do that." "I want my own blog to share with others to help inform them about hair (as well as other topics cause I have a broad range of interests, but HAIR will be one of my main focuses) and document my own hair growth journey." So here I am ready to take on a new project.
A little about me:
I am a college student who has always been interested in hair (I took cosmetology in high school and loved it.) However, it wasn't until I became a legal adult that I became interested in growing long, healthy hair (like I once had as a child back when mama was taking care of it). (I was one of those girls that would style and cut my hair often, mostly because I would get bored with my hair. Don't get me wrong, my hair wasn't severely damaged, just not as healthy as it could be.) So on my 18th birthday, I decided it was time for a change. I transitioned from relaxed to natural and BC'd in February 2006. I wore my hair natural for 26 months (2 years and 2 months) until I got bored with it (again...) and decided to texlax and cut off 3 inches in April 2008. Fast forward to the present, I am now texlaxed and APL trying to reach BSL by May 2009 (when I graduate from college :D) I know this will be a challenge for me, but I am ready to face any challenges and enjoy the journey along the way.
I welcome all guests and, as I grow and progress with my blog journey, hope you all enjoy it!!
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