Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm so excited....and I just can't hide it LOL!

So I saw one of my cousins a few days ago and she was asking me about my hair. It seems that I've inspired her to transition. Now this is a big deal because she's the type of person that always felt she had to have straight hair. She would relax every 6 weeks and relaxed bone straight. So we're talking and she mentions that she's growing her hair out naturally because she's tired of relaxing her hair and wants to see what her natural hair looks like (she's been relaxed since she was 3...I know bad bad baddddddddd...and she's now 21 so she's pretty much never seen her natural texture). I just made 12 weeks into my transition as of today and she will be 12 weeks into her's on Sunday, January 31, so she's only a few days off from me so this should be a fun journey for us both. (That's 2 people I've convinced to go natural, let's see how many more I can convince ;) )

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Checking in

So I just made 11 weeks post on Friday, January 22, 2010. So far so good. I just need to start coming up with some styles I can do to help make this transition easier. I had planned on braiding my hair the end of this month when I had some time off, but some things have come up which means I will not have the time to sit down and braid my hair. So until I can get some free time I need to find something to do to my hair that will not take hours at a time....This is gonna be interesting considering I'm growing out an assymetrical bob so these varying lengths is beginning to drive me crazy (I may end up BC'ing sooner if the length gets to be too much)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Braids/twists: Protective & transitioning style

So I've been searching the internet, watching vids on youtube, and looking at a book I've had for a couple of years (Hair Talk: Stylish Braids From African Roots by Duyan James) and I have come up with some braid styles I would like to try this year. First, it will either be yarn braids or hair lacing/individual tree braids (Haven't quite decided yet, but I plan to braid my hair at the end of this month). Other types of braids/twists i would like to do this year unless I find one I really like (in no particular order): nubian twists,kinky twists, pixies, individual braids with the ends left out (can't deal with the itty bitty micro braids),senegalese twists, and cornrows. I am determined to learn how to do these myself (youtube is about to be a very useful tool...)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Thinking about braiding my hair

I'm considering braiding my hair up for awhile. I am transitioning and do not want to be tempted to relax. This will also allow me to protect my hair especially with school starting back soon (I won't have a lot of extra time on my hands to be dealing with my hair). I'm thinking my first braid set will be yarn braids (they're cute and I love the look of locs but don't think I'm quite ready to loc my own hair; I'll be able to experiment with the look of locs but also enjoy my loose hair after they're taken down) I'm also thinking that I may keep my hair braided for the majority (if not all) of the year. I think this will help me with the long transition I have planned. Hmmm...we'll see...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Look Back at my 2009 Resolutions

So these were my resolutions for 2009:
*Start back getting serious about exercise
*Gain about 10-15 healthy pounds (I need it)
*Continue taking care of my hair so I can reach my goals
*Eat healthier
*Improve my GPA by the time I graduate in May
*Get a better job
*Move out of my parents house
*Read the entire Bible in a year
*Be as stress free as possible

Needless to say, I didn't quite stick with all of them. I have become so lazy when it comes to excercising (it's been about 6 or 7 months since I've been to the gym). Still taking care of my hair but instead of getting longer it's getting shorter (because I keep cutting it...). Diet still looks the same and I'm actually a few pounds lighter (ughh trying to get from 112lbs to at least 130lbs)Still working the same job and living with my parents (although I did get a promotion=decent pay raise...still want a new job though). Graduated college in May with a GPA that wasn't much better HOWEVER in grad school I'm doing EXCELLENT!!!Have yet to completely read the Bible. I did manage to let go of some people that I didn't need in my life, have started to focus more on me rather than what others and what they think of me (I still like to help people as much as possible, but came to realize that I can't give all of me)Overall, I wasn't as stressed.

This year I have only one live and enjoy my life one day at a time (easy enough :) )

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Year Update

First, let me say Happy New Year to everyone. It's been awhile since I've wrote anything here. I'm a full time graduate student and I work full time so I have been busy. I'm on break now so I decided to let everyone know what I've been up to. I have decided to transition again (I started transitionin back in June '05, BC'd in February'06 and re-relaxed in April '08. As of today, I am 8 weeks (2 months post). I really miss my curls. I plan to transition for awhile this time around. Last time I transitioned for 8 months, this time I plan to transition for 1.5-2 years and gradually trim my ends. With this transition, I plan to remain natural for the rest of my life. I've been seeing, through my own personal research, pictures of women who are permanently bald due to relaxer damage. I do not want to lose my hair and compromise my health because of a chemical so that is really motivating me to transition and remain natural. I plan to try to update this blog at least once a week to document my transition. (Oh and in other news, I've convinced my mom to transition with me, but won't be documenting her progress because she doesn't want me to post her's online, so gotta respect mama). Until later...